Ride Rules

Our rides are so much fun but we have a few ride rules to keep everyone riding safe as follows:

- Arrive at the departure point with a full tank of fuel. Necessary fuel stops will be made along the way.

- Times for rides are the departure time. Arrive well before the departure time to hear any last minute changes or directions.

- The nominated Road Captain leads the group. Do not overtake him/her. A “tail-end” rider will ride at the back of the group to assist stragglers. Make sure you identify these riders.

- Stay in the same lane as the Road Captain, riding in a staggered formation when appropriate, not side by side.

- On winding or narrow roads, staggered formation is not necessary. Use your regular cornering techniques and leave plenty of space from the bike in front.

- A rider will be nominated to ride at the rear of the group. It is their responsibility to ensure that the riders do not get lost and to render assistance if necessary.

- The group as a whole must not stop for an individual as it can be dangerous to have the whole group stop on the side of the road, The “tail end” rider will stop and give assistance.

- When we do stop as a group park well off the road.

- Always signal your intention to change lanes. Keep a safe distance behind the rider in front and check your mirrors to make sure you can see the rider behind so the group does not split up. Adjust your speed if necessary to keep riders in sight.

- Upon arriving at the destination, a leaving time will be advised for the main group heading home. If you wish to travel with this group, be back ready to leave on time.

- Rides will be listed as HOG and NON-HOG. On a HOG ride, only Harleys may be ridden with the exception of partners or learners who may be on a smaller bike. On a NON-HOG ride, Harleys will lead the ride and all other bikes will be at the rear of the group.

- The rides are all about having a good time. Please talk to the Ride Captain if you have any concerns.