Directors message

Bopp Greenberger

Hi Horsham HOG members,

My name is Bopp Greenberger and I have been elected as director of the Horsham Harley Owners Group for the 2020 / 21 year.

I am a passionate and dedicated member, I have served on the committee and been assistant director for a few years.

Along with the newly elected committee I look forward to some exciting innovations and ideas post covid.   It is my intention to try to contact every member personally and give you the opportunity to be involved in every decision on the exciting future of our group going forward.  Members will be encouraged to use their extensive motorcycling experience and knowledge to submit some creative new ideas for the group to explore.

As director I will strive to grow the awareness, recognition and respect of our group in the community.

The group has struggled through some recent tough times, the new committee have agreed to focus on contact and communication with members and revive and enhance the HOG family experience and camaraderie.

A huge thankyou to our outgoing director DeWayne and his wife Helen for guiding us through a very unsettling and difficult year.  DeWayne was able to stay positive and keep us up to date with all the latest information from HD Australia.

I am available for a chat at any time for members on 0488 074 288.

Cheers and ride safe,  Bopp.